Don't pack your bag, just yet! You can overcome this difficult transition in your life. With my qualified experience and your critical judgement and willingness, you will fly like and Eagle, the Ethereal sites are yours, clarity and self knowledge can be found, don't give up!
Finding the knowledge within us, knowing ourselves and knowing the incredible mind we have is the beginning of a successful life that has mental, adaptive flexablitly , and also emotional and spiritual enlightenment.
Let us Love one another,
Love is WISDOM.
Love bears all kinds of accusations,
Love is steadfast when others tell us to walk away from the person,
Love is WISDOM in action.
Love is not afraid to share affection.
Love is when we can see the hand of God even in the ugly.
Love is seeing the ONE in each individual, even those who have transgressed the law and violated themselves in some way.
Love does not burn bridges where Spirituality and Light were shared.
Love protects us and builds spiritual, mental, and emotional boundaries when needed,
Love is Wisdom.
by Katie Jane Long October 2010
My Hope,meditation and prayer for all of you is that you find peace and joy in life and that you are surrounded by the ONE God. That you, whatever path of spirituality that you choose, will know that whether it be in Judaism, Christianity, Native American Spirituality, Bahai, Islam, Hinduism, or Nature, that your life is a gift and that you will give to others and the world in love and in PEACE.
My Journey
My journey of personal growth and healing was difficult, with many struggles and failures along the way. Although all successful people have many failures, we see them as OPPORTUNITY, and learn from them. I have experienced tremendous growth in my personal life, spiritual and mental life. I have experienced a great increase in my creativity as a writer, poet, and was able to successfully complete both a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and a Master degree in Social Work, graduating with a high grade point average.
Instruction and the improvement of your life energies, intellect, spiritual growth I have yet to find. Always go forward in an open mind, do not follow blindly, each persons suffering and the extent of that suffering within the constraints of the society in which they grew up, will affect your journey. Your suffering is not to follow you all your days, and although you can achieve your potential that is beyond your the comprehension of many, be patient you will, never give up, and educate those who in their ignorance do not fully comprehend the Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Techniques. As a Seasoned Veteran of Remote Viewing and an experienced Quantum Physics manifestation student, I encourage your future growth in all areas of Human Development and Balance.
In the Future I will be offering my own thoughts on Animal Conscious Development and how your beloved Pets can Benefit .
Skeptics: Read This:
Definition of "skepticism": the philosophical doctrine that the truth of all knowledge must always be in question and that inquiry must be a process of doubting. (Webster's New World Dictionary,1980,New York: Simon & Schuster
I was an Agnostic, one of the biggest skeptics I have known. Years ago, I started a scientific journey of inquiry about what I was experiencing and my thoughts on philosophy, religion and the universe as it existed in time. I started by studying all religions, was fascinated by the wonderful teacher and philosopher Joseph Campbell, who wrote the Power of Myth. I was fascinated by the book and the wonderful interconnections between the religions of the world, and how mankind's conscious awareness is universal in it's interpretation of Life, in many ways. I held animosity toward the Church and agreed with the the thoughts of Friedrich Nietzsche, although he died in poverty and deep depression, I could understand his philosophy. But, I knew there was more, that the unexplained premonitions and psychic phenomenon that I was experiences were real, absolutely founded in reality, true evidence revealing itself. I began studying remote influencing by Ingo Swann, who was involved in the United States Military studies on Psychic phenomenon and remote viewing. In the early 1990's, I read Wagner, Sartre, Kierkegard, Heidegger, Jidu Krishna Murdi and Uno Muno. I found what I was looking for! Those who wondered about the purpose of life and their existance, about humanistic love for mankind. It was a healing journey! I will say that the greatest impact on my life at that time, was the impact that Jidu Krishna Murdi's words of love,life and wisdom had upon me. Then in 1996 I contacted Probable and met a philosopher, and one of the most loving individuals I have ever known. I was searching for a way to increase my powers of remote influencing and utilize positive psychology and meditation to enhance my life experience in a positive way. I do not regret that past time of being an Agnostic, as it has given me an insight into the struggles of those who have FEAR, and great Skepticism, and also think Rationally as they experience life in their own way.,and others such as Uri Geller, greatly changed my life. Some say, these men are not for real, and Uri Geller is not able to really bend spoons with his mind. I will provide a link to Uri's web site, and one must read for the evidence. Uri was tested in a Lab by the military on his Mind Powers, they were astounded! Don't just be skeptical, as the root of skepticism is fear of knowing that you didn't know it all! Even if you remain an Atheist, these systems work as they are scientifically based and your further study will reveal this to be true. The question is; What is TRUTH...Truth is that YOU ARE ALIVE, and YOU have the opportunity to change your LIFE and Destiny to be successful, be filled with joy and happiness, and although trials will come and difficulties of life will occur, after studying and applying these mental techniques, you will have a life drastically changed for the better.
Remember the Acronym for FEAR
F: False
E: Evidence
A: Appearing
R: Real
You will change the fear in your life to caution and wisdom instead of panic, worry and stress!
Here is a link to Uri Geller's Web site, please study his history.
Just as the organs of the body ,the neurological system,circulatory, digestive, and even the bacteria and organisms in our body create life in us, and without them we cannot live, breath or sense, so our role in this world is the same. We are all ONE, connected to one another as a single living organism of consciousness! The many aspects of nature interact within us, as well as without, creating a kaleidoscope of reality and ethereal consciousness. We are grounded in this reality while we breath on this earth. Physicians are fascinated by the Human Body and life itself, this leads them throughout their life as they bring physical healing to so many of us. You are a physician to the world in your awareness of you as the ONE and of the ONE. Your attitudes and behavior in this world have an effect on not only yourself but all those of your species, as well as those of other species. Develop this reality in your life and AWAKEN!
Now in my mid-forties I reminisce and think of how far I have come. When I was a child the questions were: Why me? ; Why am I so different?; Why do I feel so alone, when surrounded by so much love, a happy family and my faith?; Why did this terrible thing happen to me? Then in my twenties I began to really focus on introspection. Growing up hearing the words of Jesus who stated; "The Kingdom of God is Within You", I turned my mind inward to find that Kingdom. I began to love myself, and use self affirmations that were positive and nurturing to my soul. All of the low self esteem began to dissipate. I began a journey studying Kabballah and Jewish Mysticism that explains the self and the many facets of the psyche. This was a journey inward to a fascinating view of self, others and the Creator. So much of what holds us back is our belief or lack of belief in our abilities. When a person finds themselves they find the ONE, the Creator. This joy brings a spiraling continuum of growth, realization,forgiveness and love for one's self and love for humankind. for those of you that have only learned to repeat negative thoughts in your mind, and internalize these thoughts, you will find peace to know that you have the power within you to replace these negative mind sets with profound love and respect for yourself. Thinking, self-disparaging thoughts and dwelling on the pain that in your senses seems to be engraved in your mind, only gives power to destruction of your being, and mental and spiritual health. You are made in the Creator's image, and in that image is light and love, joy, peace, and yes pain...but growth from pain. Just as an acorn must die, and deteriorate in the soil in order to become an Oak tree, so you must take hold of your thoughts and peel away the layers of self loathing and the victim mentality. Feed your spirit and mind with positive images of success, kindness, self-forgiveness and the beauty of nature and the Tree inside of you will grow and flourish into a strong Oak, a strong self, with boundaries, and a unique personality. You will find a sense of direction in your life, a purpose and find it much more easier to take on the winds, storms and seasons of life, just as the Ecclesiastes 3:1 "for everything there is a season" will feel empowered and able to stand up to the difficulties in life and view them as opportunity. Remember every diamond was once a lump of coal, and you shall be a diamond in this world!
You Were Born To Fly
Each one of us have had our wings tangled in some way, whether by loss of a loved one, physical pain or psychological pain, yet we are able with our inner strength to overcome adversity. There may be spiritual famine in our lives, yet we are surrounded by others who reach out to us. The others around us may be human, creatures or any living thing in mother earth's design. Even the rocks cry out, in their shapes, crystal beauty and majesty. Yet, we may be blinded, as if we have our hands covering our eyes, not just in a spiritual sense, but in the eyes of the soul. As a tree grows toward the sun, knowing in it's inner essence that it will grow stronger and taller and become a strong and life giving force as it receives life from the sun, so are we to grow upward, outward, and inward, reaching our full potential. In this fullness we can give to others, nurture others around us and develop, self actualizing and enjoying life to it's fullest. Where would the Eagle land if not the lofty branches of a tree? You were born to fly like an Eagle, to sore above the trials of this life, resting on the branches of your own inner spiritual "Tree of Life ". You are the Eagle and the Majestic Tree, You are both, You are all, You are One and Whole in your uniqueness. Not one of you is without beauty, somewhere within you there is joy, their is happiness....find it and glory in it's presence!
We often believe that our DNA is set, and cannot be changed by thought or actions. Science has shown through evolution, as well as through spiritual exercises, that we can change our DNA. Programming the DNA as in the past comes from utilizing the mind's power, and changing one's course of everyday nutrition, and excercise. For all of you who are of the Atheist persuasion, this holds true for you also. Remember how the wonderful creatures that are on the earth became different, with changes in their beaks for the birds, and plants that grew a certain way, within their environment to adapt to that environment. It doesn't take a million years to reprogram the mind and DNA, to receive that new view of life, or adapt to it's new healthy environment.
We live in a Country that we are allowed to express our thoughts and beliefs, both spiritual and cognitive thought. To share with others our views without being stifled. I Thank the stars above that I was born in this Great Country and that I can share my thoughts and joys with you on this web site.
2012 The Year of Awakening
The Importance of Music and It's Life Force
Please take the time to listen and watch this powerful video by Dr. Masaru Emoto
When FEAR Holds You Back From Life's JOY
A little over a year ago, FEAR gripped my mind. Yes, who most of the time struggles as every other human being on this earth struggles, to conquer Fear, but can rise above it's grip on the mind. I faced the speech of one who threatened to take my life because he did not believe as I did. Because I chose to be free of extreme religious beliefs and disagreed on his political rhetoric, I was promised that this person would willfully stalk me and end his own internal psychic pain, by destroying my joy and freedom. For anyone who has had their life threatened or freedom of speech and spiritual beliefs ridiculed and belittled, it is a painful reality of life. In America we aren't supposed to have this happen, yet it does. Those who come to our country to search for the American Dream and then attempt to destroy the dream and freedom of those who have overcome so much to empower others to fulfill their destiny, can become filled with "Dogma" in any religion and Extremism. These persons fear their own questions in their mind. This fear causes them to lash out at others. When my mind was frightened and terrified at the prospect of leaving this earth before my dreams and message and life was fulfilled, I too in all honesty became "un-loving" toward all those who viewed me as their threat. Outwardly, no words were spoken...inwardly anger was welling up. Often I felt helpless, no authorities seemed to be protecting me, or investigating the origins of the hate group attacking my person. The more I wondered, the more fearful I became, being afraid to leave my own home for a walk on a country road, or be with those who I loved because I wanted to keep them safe and away from me. The threat was credible, yes....but the power of the mind to survive is even more astonishing. I had learned many years ago, how when one invites the dark vibrations of hate into one's consciousness, the mind can and will play tricks on the psyche. It has been over a year since this occurrence, fear diminishes, and wisdom has set in. I had to face my own demons, my own weaknesses and see where I had held "hate" and "fear" deep in the subconcious. It is one of the most trying and difficult endeavors I have ever had to face. To had the ability to look within one's psyche as if looking from an "observer's" viewpoint, without judgement or reaction. To see the "Dante's Inferno" within one's self, when healthy and balanced self- love was abundant and forgiveness part of everyday life, it is at times more than I can explain or endure to speak of. So many times we as human beings look outwardly toward Heaven and Hell. How often do we hear other's say, when someone passes from this life; "they are in a better place". I could never understand why people make that statement. Within each of us is the power to make and uncover Heaven and Hell, whatever we choose, or not choose. Many live in suffering, like those who face terror of war, starvation and hate. It is our position to administer love and caring to them, the best that we can offer in the state we are in. Love (Heaven) conquers Fear (Hell). When all is said and done and we face life at the end of our days, or the threat of our physical life ending, what kind of afterlife will we choose to have, how will our memory live on? Will other's remember the "hell" of our lives, or will they remember the love, the gift of empowerment we gave to community and persons and creatures in our lives. Will we have left our life on earth as a gift and encouragement for others, or will we have left only memories of suffering. Sometimes the most loving and profoundly gifted people unfortunately end their lives in pain and psychological suffering, not because they deserved it, not because they were " putting on a false front" or "faking" their love or philanthropic love for mankind, but because the breakdown of the physical body occurred, from stress, old age, disease, or a weakness after all the years of toil and inward reflection. I know of one very famous teacher, who I will not mention to reserve for him respect, but this occurred to him, and in his very long life, at the end he was filled with anger, NOT fear, but anger. It was a biological anger, not from his profound thought and philosophy, but somewhere in his psyche he was broken. I grieved as I heard him shout obscenities and unkind words to his students. I found myself questioning why such an important and profound philosopher could allow himself to come to this state of being. It is at this time that one must loose the ego, and realize that we are not just human, but made in the image of the creator, whether that be the God named by so many different religions, or the more widely known extra-terrestrial beings, which science is just now finding proof that they may truly exist. We are each a "God", as well as "part of God, or the ONE". To face death and fear, without dwelling on them, is to LIVE, to be Heavenly, to be Angelic, to be LOVE incarnate, and to bring others of differing mindset and belief systems together in joy and forgiveness, instead of war, hunger and pain. It is not easy for me to share the hurt and weaknesses of myself as a human, but I require honesty of self. By gathering together so many all over the world who have lived these painful life events and overcome hatred and fear to again soar from the depths of "sheol" to the realms of "bliss" through "self-acceptance" and "self-reverence", we can make this world more beautiful and joyful. By extending this idea of "self reverence" to others who are caught in a spiralling continuum of negative vibratory darkness and low level living just to survive the world will change for the better, it is a new age of LIGHT, of profound understanding of life and scientific discovery of true spirituality, but looking away from suffering of others, carefully involve yourselves in service to man and woman kind and creatures of this earth. It is happening now, a planatary awakening, and beyond does not have to be that "better place", but right here on earth can be that "best place".
Upon Being an Antique
Turning fifty is a monumental time. For we women it is when we feel more secure in our personhood. We may start on a spiritual journey since we are not so involved in a young family’s life and caring for their needs. Taking up new hobbies, changing our religious or spiritual beliefs to more accommodate our life’s experiences is a very common occurrence. For me it is a time of renewal of the “child within”, experiencing the joy of newness and wonderment in the natural world around me. It is a time for connecting with Mother Earth, my inner womb as a creative force that transforms the physical creative powers into the intellectual and spiritual powers. Spending time in the natural world is important for woman of all walks of life. So many times this time in our lives is a time of sadness, loss of creativity, role change, midlife crisis, changes in spousal relationship. It doesn’t have to be a struggle but an enriched journey. We either stagnate or allow our creative powers to flow. At this age there is much wisdom and should be some increased discernment into what is healthy and good for our souls and bodies. We can now consider ourselves an “Antique”, like fine wine; we don’t throw ourselves around like an open bar! Perhaps, it is at this time that our intellect, talents and abilities are tailored to those who appreciate and treasure our friendship and experiences. We become the “matriarchs”, God-mothers, Grand-Mothers and Wisdom Filled Mentors for the younger generations.
Turning fifty is a sacred time, so treat yourself with tender loving care, stick to your beliefs and speak out for injustice, strive for continued personal growth and spiritual growth. Think of your painful experiences as stepping stones, and take a “walk across the water of past difficulties” as if the path was already laid for you, and don’t become stuck in bitterness and blame. You are resilient, you are lovely, you are a brave heart!
Keeping a Sense of Humor
Have you ever been really angry, or disappointed in another person, and suddenly, something they said comes to mind and you are immediately catapulted through a portal of the most high quality of laughter you have ever experienced?
Sometimes in the darkest of moments when we think we have nowhere to turn but to choose to give up and not go after our dreams, everything seems to be funny, or silly. It is very normal for a person under severe stress to actually laugh, and sometimes laugh for quite a long time, I remember Dr. Bernie Segal’s book: Laughter is the Best Medicine, and how he taught that laughter is healing to the entire body, as is smiling, even when we don’t feel like it.
It is not insane; it is not abnormal to laugh even when things are sad, perhaps a memory of the sad experience triggers another memory of a fun time had by all. My advice to women who are struggling with life’s unfairness, is to laugh your way to freedom of the soul, anger constricts the heart and blood vessels, laughter releases healing chemicals, opens the circulation and heals the cells. If you practice the art of laughter, you may even look a bit younger!!!
By Katie Jane L.
I was honored in my life to meet the renowned brain expert Dr. Richard Petty, his knowledge which he imparted to me during a time I was suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) was incredibly healing! His brilliance and humanitarian and loving spirituality touched my life in a profound way, and healing began. I would like to share his expertise with you, and in this may you find many wonderful articles and understanding about your own brain and what an incredible machine your body i
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